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How DAFpay increased digital revenue by over 10% for top CauseMatch campaigns
+ Revenue
Over 10% digital revenue growth
+ Engagement
82% of campaigns getting DAF gifts
+ Donors
379 new digital DAF donors

“The level of activity through DAFpay across our campaigns so far this year has been incredible - and we know it’s just the beginning. Our customers couldn’t be happier with this exciting new feature.”
Raimy Rubin, VP of Marketing, CauseMatch
CauseMatch, a market leader in peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns for nonprofits, launched the DAFpay integration across their active campaigns in January 2024. In the first 4 months with the integration, they found widespread success across the organizations they support.
Increased revenue
While many organizations that use CauseMatch have received some DAF support in the past, it was never fully integrated into a time-based campaign, in real time.
The ability to embed a single payment option compatible with the majority of the DAF market unlocked a significant new revenue stream: digital DAF revenue.
Top 3 campaigns got >10% of digital revenue from DAFpay
Over $160k raised in an entirely new revenue stream for the platform
The top 5 campaigns raised $10k+ each

Better engagement
Inspiration and a sense of urgency are absolutely critical to peer-to-peer fundraising - especially since many of the folks a campaign reaches are in participants’ networks and might be new to the organization.
By making it seamless to use a DAF in that moment of inspiration, DAFpay boosts participation, improves conversion and increases gift size - serving as an important catalyst to the overall momentum of the campaign across payment methods.
82% of eligible active campaigns received DAF gifts
41% conversion rate - double typical industry figures
Average DAFpay gift size of $425, median $180
These gift size figures are more than double what CauseMatch customers see through other payment methods. This has an outsized impact on the campaign “thermometers” that show progress towards overall fundraising goals and are proven to motivate participation.

Finding new DAF donors
More than the larger gifts that donors make through DAFpay, they also show the organization that they have a DAF - the single best indicator of their capacity and propensity to give. DAF donors are likely to be your best prospects to steward as potential major donors that are proven to give more money, more regularly and with higher retention than other types of donors (Learn more about DAF donors statistics).
On average, campaigns secured at least 7 DAF donors
379 total digital DAF donations from 11 different Donor Advised Funds
The top 5 campaigns saw 20+ DAF gifts
Providing an easy way to give with a DAF when you might have otherwise used a credit card helps identify more DAF donors in your current audience and among first time donors. DAFpay also captures their name and email right when they donate, for easy follow up and stewardship. That new relationship is likely to be 10x more valuable long-term than this current gift.

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