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185% increase in DAFpay   volume accounts for all of Community Rowing, Inc.'s digital revenue growth
When Community Rowing, Inc. (CRI) used DAFpay on their annual Giving Day Givebutter donation page for the second year in a row, DAF gifts generated 50% of total revenue, and the average DAFpay gift size nearly doubled
increase in DAFpay revenue
of DAF revenue came from DAFpay
average DAFpay gift size
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"The decision [to add Chariot] was clear and it couldn’t have been easier to set up. The fact that it automatically inserts on the website is’s just so easy.
Caitlin Lupton, Development Associate at CRI
Community Rowing, Inc. (CRI) lives up to its name. Through the sport of rowing, it fosters personal growth and confidence for over 5,000 rowers annually, while also intentionally creating opportunities to build community across the Boston area. In 2024, CRI used DAFpay for their Giving Day for the second consecutive year, building on the success they found in 2023, when DAF giving surged by 20% within a week of integrating DAFpay. Their 2024 results blew last year’s out of the water – no pun intended. 

DAFpay revenue is the primary force
behind online revenue growth

CRI's online revenue growth increased by 25%, or $18,411. 

Online Revenue Growth

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CRI's DAFpay revenue increased by the same amount — $18,550. 
DAFpay revenue accounted for 100% of CRI's digital revenue growth and more. 
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Before DAFpay, people [would] tell me that they were going to give through a DAF, but they didn’t really know when it was coming. The really cool thing about DAFpay is that it's instantaneous.

DAFpay was crucial to CRI's Giving Day, fostering larger gifts and providing real-time data

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Critical Channel

DAF contributions made up over 50% of CRI’s total revenue, with DAFpay revenue alone generating half of that DAF total.
Larger Gifts

The average DAFpay gift size increased from $1.2K to $3.5K, demonstrating that as DAF donors became more familiar with DAFpay, they contributed significantly larger gifts.
Online Contributions

DAFpay contributed 31% of CRI’s total online revenue, marking a 128% increase from 2023.
Instant Data

DAFpay gifts were reflected on CRI's Givebutter campaign page immediately, allowing DAF donors to see their impact in real-time and add to the momentum of a time-sensitive campaign. Learn more about Chariot's integration with Givebutter here
When I saw that there was an ability for people to automatically donate support from their DAF in real time for our Giving Day, I just thought:
'wow, that is awesome.'

CRI's keys to sucess

CRI displayed DAFpay as a core payment option on its donation form, which fostered a seamless experience for donors and made DAF giving as accessible as possible. 
CRI's donation forms were powered by Givebutter, which enabled simple incorporation of DAFpay on their forms. Givebutter is one of dozens of fundraising platforms partnered with Chariot. 
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CRI leveraged real-time DAF data provided by Chariot to account for DAF revenue in their time-sensitive giving campaign — bypassing the usual delays in receiving DAF revenue information. 

Take your DAF fundraising
to the next level

It just made my life so much easier. 
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