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Donors give 8x more through DAFpay to March of Dimes
March of Dimes converts critical new donors & first-time DAF users with DAFpay 
First-time supporters
First-time DAF donors
Increase in gift sizes
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“We’re all just amazed at how DAFpay converts more donors to use their DAF and make significantly larger donations. It’s been a strategic priority of ours to make it as easy as possible for DAF donors to support us - and even in a few months, it’s already seriously paying off.”
Karyn DeMartini, Vice President of Major, Principal, and Planned Giving
Member of
Chariot's Nonprofit Advisory Council

Take your DAF fundraising
to the next level

March of Dimes and their Peer-to-Peer fundraising campaign, March for Babies, implemented DAFpay this year and saw a significant return in just a few months, both in terms of overall revenue and high-value donor acquisition. 
March of Dimes implemented DAFpay on their Ways to Give Page in December 2023 and as a core payment option in their Peer-to-Peer Fundraising platform for March for Babies in March 2024. This case study analyzes their results with DAFpay in the 5 months between mid-December and mid-May.  

Valuable donor acquisition

We partnered with the March of Dimes team to analyze the prior giving of the donors using DAFpay. When we went through each of the top 20 gifts, we discovered some fascinating insights:
1. 50% of these donors made their first gift ever to March of Dimes through DAFpay. 
That might seem high, but Stripe recently shared that 81% of cart abandonment was attributed to someone’s preferred payment option not being available.
Without DAFpay, people who want to give from their DAF have to go through 15-20 extra steps to complete a gift - giving them ample opportunity to drop off and not follow through. 
DAFpay helped March of Dimes convert this valuable donor group right on their own donation page. 
2. 30% were prior March of Dimes supporters, but gave from a DAF for the first time.
Without DAFpay, people with a DAF are also likely to checkout with a credit card since it is so much easier. This prevents the organization from getting a larger DAF gift, knowing the donor has a DAF, and stewarding them properly. 
DAFpay lets donor use their DAF in the moment of inspiration with a checkout that’s even easier than a credit card. 
3. When current supporters used their DAF for the first time, their gift size increased 8x on average
When a DAF donor can easily use their DAF instead of a credit card, they are significantly more generous. Because they’ve already set the money aside in their DAF, saved on their taxes and grown the account by investing in the market, they have greatly increased their giving capacity.
For the donors analyzed, the average 8x increase meant an incremental $900 per donor!  
One supporter, Sheetal, made a $5,000 gift in February through DAFpay on the Ways to Give page - their first time supporting the organization. When a friend asked Sheetal to support their March for Babies campaign in April, she used DAFpay again to make a $750 gift. 

She shared that her experience with DAFpay was “Excellent! It couldn’t have been easier!” 

Important new source of revenue

In the first few months, March of Dimes saw:
  • 57 DAF gifts
  • Average gift size of $633
  • Median gift size of $200
  • 7 different DAFs utilized
Given 80% of these donors were net-new or first-time DAF donors making 8x larger gifts, this is an exciting source of brand new revenue. 

Improved performance with
express checkout

After initially implementing DAFpay only on a Ways to Give page in December, the organization also implemented DAFpay as a core checkout option on their Peer-to-Peer forms in March. 
In just 2 months, the March for Babies campaign saw 6x more gifts than the Ways to Give page saw in 5 months. 
The placement of DAFpay as a core payment option anywhere that donors are giving online is a critical piece of successful DAF fundraising. 
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