Chariot is here to help nonprofits navigate donor-advised funds with confidence and clarity. A key part of this is knowing when it’s appropriate to accept a DAF gift—and when a polite decline is the right choice.

While these can be difficult conversations, it is critical for a nonprofit to be consistent & precise on when they will or won't accept DAF gifts. If impermissible use of DAF funds were discovered in an audit, it's the nonprofit's risk - not the donor's!
The best way to defuse a potentially heated donor conversation when they want to use their DAF for an impermissible purpose, is to refer them to a public policy on DAF gift acceptance. That way it's not personal, it's not a staff choice, it's a clear stated policy everyone has to abide by.
Please make use of our template DAF gift acceptance policy as a framework for your own.
Please work with your own legal representation to ensure any final policy covers all of your organization's specific needs.