You can now look up participating nonprofits and how to most easily support them with your DAF directly on the DAF Day website!
Hundreds of nonprofits have signed up for the inaugural DAF Day on 10/10 - the first-ever national giving day dedicated to Donor Advised Fund giving. Now any donor participating in DAF Day can easily search and support all participating nonprofits on the DAF Day site.
For participating nonprofits to appear on this page, all they need to do is:
Log into their Chariot dashboard
Add your organization’s logo
Add a URL to your preferred page for DAF giving
Then you’ll automatically appear and be searchable on the DAF Day site!

If your organization has not yet claimed your Chariot account, you can easily do so here. This will also allow you to see any gifts made with DAFpay to your organization through crowdfunding sites like GoFundMe, Pledge, Givebutter, etc., even before your organization is using DAFpay yourselves.
Once you’ve claimed your account, you can add the logo and URL detailed above and automatically appear on the DAF Day donate page! More details on how to claim your Chariot account can be found here.
Please note: For the easiest process, someone with an email domain that matches your organization's website should claim the Chariot account. Otherwise the verification process does take some extra steps.
Frequently asked questions
Which logo should we use?
The logos appear in circles on the DAF Day site, so recommend a square version of your logo vs. a long horizontal one. Note that the name of your organization does appear directly beneath the logo for clarity.
Which URL should we use for DAF Day Donations?
Wherever it’s easiest for a DAF donor to follow through on their intention to support your organization with their DAF! Here’s four options to consider:
If you have DAFpay enabled on a standalone page of your website, like Michael J. Fox Foundation does, send them there.
Bonus: if you have the bandwidth internally, could you create a special landing page for DAF Day to include here?
If you have DAFpay enabled as a payment option in your main donate form send them there.
If you don’t have DAFpay yet, consider creating specific DAF Day campaign page you can link to with one of our integrated partners that specializes in standalone giving day campaigns - GoFundeMe, Givebutter, Pledge, CauseMatch, CrowdChange, etc.
Otherwise, linking to a DAF page on your website that at least provides your organization’s EIN, legal name, address and a contact person is still helpful.
Can we update the logo or URL in the future?
Yes, you can update the items in your Chariot profile anytime you log into your dashboard.
Why do we need to claim our Chariot account?
In order to build the DAF Day giving page with all the details and filter options, we need to reference our database. It’s also a free and user-friendly way to gather and update key details on your organization from a verified representative.
There’s no obligation to use DAFpay after claiming your account, but you will have visibility on DAFpay gifts made in support of your organization anywhere online.